Life is Waiting

Goals, tasks, and squiggaliy bits to make my life better. Or so we hope.

May 15, 2008

I've finally gotten an inkling of direction on where I'm going as far as school and careers go. Now I have to get back in school, buckle down and work towards getting out of school with a degree.

February 14, 2008


I updated my list, with things I've done or am doing. I took Stevyn to see Type O Negative, which was incredible. He told me last night that was the best concert he has ever gone to, and we went months ago.
One of my good friends from grade/high school came to live with me (again), and she is helping me with some of my issues. For instance, it's much easier to put on make-up/give a damn about what you are wearing when there is someone else there to help you/do it for you, lol. She helps make me more adventurous, and more outgoing. However, like everything there are downsides. I'm trying to work on making it work. God bless Tim Gunn.
I went to San Diego it was amazing! So incredible that I am planning on moving there sometime. Stevyn doesn't want to move, mainly, I think, because he has never been to California to see how beautiful it is. I am trying to coerce him into going for vacation this spring/summer. Then maybe I can convince him to move.

February 08, 2008

I'm working on re-organizing my list, so that it fits my needs more, now.

February 24, 2007


I'm going to California. I'm getting to do something exciting and cool over spring break. Yay.

January 17, 2007

Well I'm trying to stick to the list I made, I'm doing a few things here and there. But life is very hectic right now, so it's hard to make time for all these things.

December 17, 2006

Word a Day (6/30)

To make up for yesterday

pule \PYOOL\, intransitive verb:
To whimper; to whine.

When I want my way I pule to my boyfriend, consequently, he resents my neediness.

I never have any idea if I am using these words correctly.

Word a Day (5/30)

reticent \RET-ih-suhnt\, adjective:
1. Inclined to keep silent; reserved; uncommunicative.
2. Restrained or reserved in style.
3. Reluctant; unwilling.

My best friend in grade school kept to herself, talking only to a few friends. This reticent style was sharply contrasted with my brazen, bold attitude.

December 13, 2006

Word a Day (4/30)

inkhorn \INK-horn\, adjective:
1. Affectedly or ostentatiously learned; pedantic.

1. A small bottle of horn or other material formerly used for holding ink.

Inkhorn derives from the name for the container formerly used (beginning in the 14th century) for holding ink, originally made from a real horn. Hence it came to refer to words that were being used by learned writers and scholars but which were unknown or rare in ordinary speech.

Good to know.

I started going through all my old clothes today, to get rid of some lod things. I had one huge bin and a trash bag full of old clothes. Wow.

I am going through toys/objects tomorrow to see what I think needs to go. I already have a lot of stuff in mind.
I'm amazed how much stuff you accumulate in so little time. I've only lived in my appartment for three years and I have SO much stuff just buried everywhere. Makes me feel like a Hobbit, with my mathoms.

December 12, 2006


I got my A for this semester! Hard work but I did it.