Life is Waiting

Goals, tasks, and squiggaliy bits to make my life better. Or so we hope.

December 17, 2006

Word a Day (6/30)

To make up for yesterday

pule \PYOOL\, intransitive verb:
To whimper; to whine.

When I want my way I pule to my boyfriend, consequently, he resents my neediness.

I never have any idea if I am using these words correctly.

Word a Day (5/30)

reticent \RET-ih-suhnt\, adjective:
1. Inclined to keep silent; reserved; uncommunicative.
2. Restrained or reserved in style.
3. Reluctant; unwilling.

My best friend in grade school kept to herself, talking only to a few friends. This reticent style was sharply contrasted with my brazen, bold attitude.

December 13, 2006

Word a Day (4/30)

inkhorn \INK-horn\, adjective:
1. Affectedly or ostentatiously learned; pedantic.

1. A small bottle of horn or other material formerly used for holding ink.

Inkhorn derives from the name for the container formerly used (beginning in the 14th century) for holding ink, originally made from a real horn. Hence it came to refer to words that were being used by learned writers and scholars but which were unknown or rare in ordinary speech.

Good to know.

I started going through all my old clothes today, to get rid of some lod things. I had one huge bin and a trash bag full of old clothes. Wow.

I am going through toys/objects tomorrow to see what I think needs to go. I already have a lot of stuff in mind.
I'm amazed how much stuff you accumulate in so little time. I've only lived in my appartment for three years and I have SO much stuff just buried everywhere. Makes me feel like a Hobbit, with my mathoms.

December 12, 2006


I got my A for this semester! Hard work but I did it.


I bought some flowers today. They are really pretty, white fluffy flowers with these big, broad purple dusky flowers, and some small red buds. Very pretty.

Word a Day (3/30)

The Word of the Day for December 12, 2006 is:

aerie • \AIR-ee\ noun
1 : the nest of a bird on a cliff or a mountaintop
*2 : an elevated often secluded dwelling, structure, or position

Example Sentence:

Joe lives in a sleek, 20th-floor aerie with a spectacular view of the city.

Did you know?

English poet John Milton put a variant of "aerie" to good use in Paradise Lost (1667), writing "...there the eagle and the stork / On cliffs and cedar tops their eyries build." But Milton wasn't the first to use the term, which comes to us via Medieval Latin and Old French and probably traces to an earlier Latin word for "nest" or "lair." English speakers had been employing "aerie" as a word for "bird's nest" for more than a century when Milton penned those words. Eventually, "aerie" was applied to human dwellings as well as birds' nests. At first, this sense referred to dwellings nestled high up in mountains or hills. These days, you're also likely to hear high-rise city apartments or offices referred to as "aeries."

*Indicates the sense illustrated in the example sentence.

December 11, 2006


I bought a cool new umbrella today. It is green plaid, I like it. It matches my purse, oddly enough.

I was lucky, because it rained today so I got to use it. Made me feel girly.

Word a Day (2/30)

ossify \AH-suh-fy\, intransitive verb:
1. To change into bone; to become bony.
2. To become hardened or set in a rigidly conventional pattern.

transitive verb:
1. To change into bone; to convert from a soft tissue to a hard bony tissue.
2. To harden; to mold into a rigidly conventional pattern.

My life is starting to ossify.

December 10, 2006

Word a Day (1/30)

No time like the present to get started, so here is today's word of the day, as provided by

syncretic \sin-KRET-ik; sing-\, adjective:
Uniting and blending together different systems, as of philosophy, morals, or religion.

So My personal philosophy is syncretic, because I find truths in nearly all philosophies.

Whoa that was harder than I expected.

  1. Learn to admit when I am wrong.
  2. Try to fight less.
  3. Try to be more social.
  4. Try to be more polite.
  5. Value my friends more.
  6. Be more adventurous.
  7. Listen better.
  8. Talk less.
  1. Make an A in one class each semester. (1)
  2. Learn to spell better.
  3. Do homework.
  4. Read books outside your comfort zone.
  5. Stay organized all school year.
  6. Miss fewer than 4 days each semester.
  7. Read a classic story.
  8. Learn about 4 countries, other than my own.
  9. Learn to say "Hello" in 4 languages.
  10. Learn a new word each day, for a month.
  11. Use the word you learned three times that day.
  1. Have more patience with my family.
  2. Exercise/do yoga three times a week.
  3. Go to the park once a week, when the weather permits.
  4. Buy fresh flowers once a month.
  5. Go to the herb market.
  6. Buy a brightly colored umbrella, and use it.
  7. Stop and appreciate one new thing, everyday.
  8. Learn to cook one dish really, really well.
  1. Try, try, to keep the house clean, for a whole month.
  2. Dust every two weeks.
  3. Wash the dishes as soon as they get dirty.
  4. Cook dinner three times a week.
  5. Do laundry, and put it away.
  6. Buy artwork for the walls.
  7. Make pillows or rugs for the house.
  8. Get rid of 20% of what you own.
  9. Organize the wires behind the computer desk.
  10. Grow Rabbit a garden.
  1. Lose ten pounds.
  2. Fit into your skinny jeans again.
  3. Lose another ten pounds.
  4. Take off your makeup every night.
  5. Restart the beauty routine you had before you had a kid/boyfriend.
  6. Do something new with you hair once a month.
  7. Wear makeup again.
  8. Go to a spa.
  9. Buy new clothes.
  10. Meditate 30 minutes every other day. And outside at least once a season.
  11. Walk barefoot on the beach.
  12. Conquer a fear. (heights, snakes, deep water)
  13. Tell your son and boyfriend you love then, sincerely, everyday.
  14. Shave once a week in the winter. (oh, you know you do it, too)
  15. Get fitted for a bra.
  16. Learn a martial art/self defense.
  1. Take a road trip with some friends.
  2. Go back to Chicago.
  3. See both Coasts of the US.
  4. Go to Ireland.
  5. Honeymoon in Italy.
  6. Go to Norway.
  7. Go to Australia, try vegemite.
  8. Dig for gold/gems.
  9. Walk over fire.
  10. Visit a Buddhist temple and meditate.
  11. Commune with the Ancient Spirit.
  12. Go scuba diving, swim with dolphins.
  13. Touch a penguin.
  14. Own a home, with a library and a window seat.
  15. Save abandoned animals.
  16. Get married and not hate yourself for it.
  1. Stay in contact with highschool/college friends.
  2. Keep old, embarrassing photos/journals.
  3. Keep old love letters,
  4. Write new love letters.
  5. Take Stevyn to a concert.

Here I hope to list, and keep track of, goals I have for myself, and my life. This blog was inspired by